Timekeepers Reports

Timekeepers Reports

The Timekeepers report lists all users / timekeepers. The default view shows users with Active status. Results can be grouped and/or filtered by any column.

Billed Hours By Timekeeper - Summary

The Billed Hours by Timekeeper - Summary report displays the total hours billed by all timekeepers for a specified date range. Results are grouped by Timekeeper with subtotals for each Timekeeper.

Billed Hours by Timekeeper - Detail

The Billed Hours by Timekeeper - Detail report shows the detailed billing records for all Timekeepers for a specified date range, with subtotals for each Timekeeper.  The displayed billing records can be sorted and filtered by any column.


  • Timekeeper (initials only)
  • Matter name
  • Matter number
  • Date
  • Duration
  • Type
  • Project
  • Description

Billing Summary by Matter

This report can be generated using the “Generate report” button on the top of the table. It shows the total billing hours and amount for a selected matter, for a date range, with subtotals by timekeeper, organized by timekeeper classification.  If no date range is specified, the report includes all hours and amount for the matter from inception through the current date. Timekeeper classification groups are the following:

  • Attorney Only
  • Attorneys and Paralegals/ Law Clerks
  • All Timekeepers


  • Timekeeper (initials only)
  • Rate
  • Hours (with Grand Total for all timekeepers)
  • Amount (with Grand Total for all timekeepers. Amount = Rate * Hours)



Billing Detail by Matter

The report displays all billing records for a selected matter, for a date range, with total hours and total amount for the matter.  If no date range is specified, the report includes all billing records for the selected matter from inception through the current date.  The billing records are listed in chronological order starting with the oldest.

Timekeeper classification groups are the following:

  • Attorney Only
  • Attorneys and Paralegals/ Law Clerks
  • All Timekeepers


  • Date
  • Timekeeper (initials only)
  • Rate
  • Hours (with Grand Total for all timeslips)
  • Amount (with Grand Total for all timeslips. Amount = Rate * Hours)
  • Description (the description field of the billing timeslip)
  • Project (the project field of the billing timeslip)



Billing Summary by Project

The Billing Summary by Project report lists a summary of the hours and amount by project, grouped by timekeeper, with subtotals for hours and amount, for a particular matter for a date range.  If no date range is specified, the report includes all billing records for the matter from inception through the current date.  


For each Project, the report shows the following columns:

  • Timekeeper (initials only)
  • Hours
  • Rate
  • Amount (Amount = Hours * Rate)

The report lists the total hours and amount for each timekeeper for each project, as well as a total for the matter.


Rate Sheet

The Rate Sheet report lists all timekeepers, their billing rate and bar passage date. The default view shows timekeepers with active status only and results are sorted by classification. Users can apply filters and sort by any column.


  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Initials
  • Classification
  • Bar Date (year only)
  • Rate

Rate Sheet History

The report displays all timekeepers, their billing rate, effective date and bar passage data.The default view shows timekeepers with active status only and results are sorted by classification.  Users can apply filters and sort by any column.


  • Last Name
  • First Name
  • Initials
  • Rate
  • Effective date
  • Bar Date (year only)



This report displays all existing users - timekeepers on the application. The report can be filtered by any column using the filter button above the table.


Trial Calendar

Lists all future events, starting with the current date, with “ARB” or “TRIAL'' in the “What” field for any matter regardless of the matter’s status (open or closed).



  • Matter name
  • Matter number
  • Trial Date (the date of the ARB or TRIAL event)
  • What (the “What” of the event, which would be either ARB or TRIAL)
  • Lead Attorney (from the event’s “Assigned to” field, list the initials of only the Lead Attorneys assigned to the event)
  • Date Opened (date matter was opened)


Activity Report

The report shows all matters that do not have any activity - no billing slips added or no future events - for a specified date range. 


  • Matter Name
  • Matter Number 
  • Lead Attorneys
  • Other Attorneys
  • Paralegals
  • Days Since Last Billing - the number of days that have passed since the date of the last billing record and the date the report is generated
  • Last Billing Date - the date of the last billing record for the matter
  • Last Billing Description
  • Days Since Last Event - the number of days between the date of the furthermost event for the matter and today. If the date of the furthermost event is in the past, relative to the date the report is generated, the “Days Since Last Event” number will be positive. If the date of the furthermost event is in the future, the “Days Since Last Event” number will be negative;
  • Last Event Date - the date of the furthermost event for the matter, which may be in the past or in the future, relative to the date the report is generated
  • Last Event Description


Audit Trail By User

The Audit Trail by User report tracks any activity by user for the sections Matters, Events, Mail Log, Accounting.

  • Matters - the report should track matter creation as well as user activity for existing matters (addition, changes, deletion) in any field of Matter Details;
  • Events - the report should track user activity for creating new events or editing any field of an existing event;
  • Mail Log - the report track user activity for creating new mail items or editing any field of an existing mail item’
  • Accounting - 

Report’s parameters:

  • Select User(s)
  • Select date range (from/to) - Defaults are “today”
  • Select Sections to include - not required. Includes “Select All” (default) or select multiple sections - matters, events, mail log, accounting
  • Select Matter - not required. Includes “Select All” (default). Allows selecting multiple matters


Docketing Report

This report displays all mail items dated within the specified date range, regardless of whether a mail item was sent to docketing or not.  If a mail item was not sent to docketing, the date for "sent to docketing" and the "user sent" fields will be blank. 

The report can be filtered by the filters button above the table.

What is docketing?


Specific fields:

  • Docketing User - The user listed in that column is the user listed in the “Docketing User” field of matter details. That's the user receiving notifications when a mail item is sent to docketing
  • Sent By User - if an item has been sent to docketing (i.e. the Send to Docketing box is checked), the "Sent by User" column displays the user who checked the Send to Docketing box. Send to Docketing - If the report shows a “Send to Docketing” date, the “Send by User” column must display the user who sent the item
  • Docketing Completed - if the box "Docketing Completed" box is checked, in the "Docketing Complete Date" column, the report displays the date when the box is checked and displays the user who checked that box in the "Completed by User" column
  • Completed By User - this displays the user who completed the docketing